During the Day of the Dead festivities, the entire City of San Miguel de Allende seems to concentrate around the Main Garden. From the 30th of October the preparations begin, little colored flags are placed between the fence of the Parish and the trees of the garden and hundreds of foreign and national tourists are received, eager to join this tradition where they mix both pre-Hispanic culture as the Catholic religion. During All Saints' Day (Nov. 1) and All Souls' Day (Nov. 2), colorful altars are placed in the streets surrounding the main garden as well as in churches, hotels, restaurants and some shops. Thousands of photographs are taken and competitions are organized for them, as well as competitions and an exhibition of pumpkin sculptures. For eight years, members of the American community of San Miguel lend themselves to a very original parade; Made up and dressed as Catrinas and Catrines, they go out for a walk at night in the garden handing out sweets to the children. These days are characterized by the smell of incense, the offerings from the altars, the calaveritas (candy skulls), the cempasúchil flowers, the candles, the prayers and the music that accompanies the pre-Hispanic dancers.